Blog - Page 5


The latest from your carpet care specialists.

rsz  rug exercise for mental health   blog
May 25, 2020

How Exercise Can Improve Your Mental Health

We all know the benefits of heading out into the sunshine for a run when it comes to our physical health.

rsz  rug 5 symptoms of stress   blog
May 25, 2020

5 Symptoms of Stress: How to Know When to Take a Break

Defined by Healthline as "a state of mental or emotional strain caused by adverse circumstances", stress is an incredibly common issue that many people face.

rsz  rug woman hiking   blog
May 12, 2020

Looking for a New Hobby to Try? 4 Easy to Pick up Hobbies

When it comes to health and happiness, finding an exciting new hobby to try can have really great benefits.

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Apr 24, 2020

How to Improve Your Mood: 6 Tips for Your Mental Health

In the busy lives that we lead, we're all prone to experiencing stress, anxiety and mood swings as we navigate our way through our own personal struggles and challenges.

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Mar 23, 2020

How to Get a Good Night's Sleep

Getting a good night's sleep is one of the most important things we can do to support our physical and mental wellbeing - in fact, it's just as important as eating well…

rsz  rug 5 amazing places to volunteer   blog
Mar 23, 2020

5 Amazing Places to Volunteer in NZ

Volunteering and being involved in the community is a Kiwi way of life.

rsz diy summer snacks for the kids
Feb 20, 2020

5 Awesome DIY Summer Snacks for the Kids

When the sun is shining and the kids are spending most of their days outside at the beach or in the back garden, there's no doubt that at some point…

rsz kids activities 5 fun backyard
Feb 12, 2020

Kids Activities: 5 Fun Backyard Ideas to Try This Summer

We're in the middle of summer, the sun is shining and the kids are itching to head to the beach or the nearest playground - but sometimes you just need…

rsz outdoor beachgames
Jan 15, 2020

Best Make-Shift Beach Games for the Family

The sun is out, the beaches are pumping with families, friends and visitors all sharing the saltwater and surf - for most Kiwis it's the best time of year.

rsz 5 quick ways to summer proof your home
Jan 15, 2020

5 Quick Ways to Summer-Proof your Home

The New Zealand hot weather that we look forward to all year has finally arrived. If you've got a family, this probably comes as great news.

rsz south island edition
Dec 19, 2019

South Island Attractions: 10 Hidden Spots to Explore

It's no secret that New Zealand is uniquely beautiful, with rolling green hills inland and stunning white (or black, depending on the coast) sand beaches spanning our coastlines.

rsz north island secret spots blog
Dec 13, 2019

North Island Attractions: 10 Hidden Spots to Explore

It's no secret that New Zealand is uniquely beautiful, with rolling green hills inland and stunning white (or black, depending on the coast) sand beaches spanning our coastlines.