Top 5 Tips for Selling Your Home
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Nov 17, 2017

Top 5 Tips for Selling Your Home

1. Make an Entrance

The first thing potential buyers see upon arriving is the front garden and entrance way. First impressions last and this will set the tone and anticipation for the rest of your home. Is it tidy? Is it well maintained? Does it look clean?

2. A Fresh Lick of Paint 

Reasonably inexpensive, and yet it can go a long way. Whether it’s to give a tidy up or bring the interior colours up to date, fresh paint and the right colours can change the feel of a home.

3. Clean Carpets

Don’t underestimate the power of cleaning your carpets. Carpet that may look discoloured, old and stained can be given a new lease on life. It will also make your home smell clean and appealing.

4. Let there be Light

Take every opportunity to allow as much light into your home as possible. Consider if a tree outside could be trimmed to allow more sunshine into your home, without compromising on privacy. Dark spaces can feel cosy but also closed in and dull. By carefully considering how to lighten your home you can change the feeling of a space.

5. When the Sun is Shining

There is a reason why it’s popular to sell in summer.  Better weather, better temperatures and people have more time with all the holiday breaks, long weekends and school holidays. Not to mention, most people prefer to move house in summer.